Do I Really Need a Structured Settlement Broker

When it comes to structured settlement cases, neither the beneficiary nor the defendant has a clear idea of the costs involved in the settlement.   This is where a structured settlement broker comes in.  This person can help both parties get a fair assessment of costs based on calculations and projections. A broker provides information which…

Don’t Rush In With Your Eyes Closed

If you have ever won either a lawsuit or a lottery then you are most likely familiar with annuities. Annuities are used to settle these matters because instead of giving a substantial one-time amount, the awardee is provided with a series of payments depending on the amount of the payment sum. There are times though…

Are You Outliving Your Assets?

People often remember the negative things they see more than the positive.  It is just a fact of life.  There has been negative press coverage of the annuity market and people think that the coverage they see is the truth. But as we all know, there are 2 sides to every story and then the…